Tuesday, 8 January 2008

My dog ate my PhD

For once I will use this for what I had originally intended - keeping a record of day to day events. I am afraid, however, that it will end up being a daily account of the PhD process since that is basically all I ever do/think about.

So I am two weeks to the day away from my first progress seminar where I am expected to show a panel of academics how well I am doing in my research and they can decide whether or not to permit me to continue as planned. For the last three months I have thrown myself into this process, reading everything I could get my hands on and trying to understand theories and research paradigms and everything else that makes normal people's eyes glaze over when you start to talk about it. Merrily I rolled along thinking I was on the right track. But today, upon reading the third draft of my seminar paper, my supervisor has decided that my project is not viable and I need to redesign it. How am I expected to keep to my new year resolutions in the face of this? Honestly, my first reaction is to scream/have a cigarette/eat chocolate. To save you the suspense, yes - I did all three of those things.

My day was preceded by a rather disturbing and seemingly impossible dream, in which I was accidentally killed in an assassination attempt on a politician and my ghost went around talking to my friends and being upset because my still living husband wasn't paying me enough attention now that I was dead.

No more documentaries about terrorism before bed. And no more meetings with PhD supervisors. This is surely the best way to avoid further problems. On a good note, we signed for the new house today and plans to move in shortly are underway.

This particularly good news, given that I have been living in my husband's childhood bedroom with a houseful of furniture in the garage for more than three weeks now. Equally delightful is the news that my brother-in-law might be moving in with us. One might ask why this is so delightful - if so, one must never have had to cope with paying for the renovations on a 150 year old house!

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