Wednesday, 16 July 2008

New beginnings

I have had a little trouble with blogging lately. Not sure if it is to do with my new found love of crochet, patchwork and jewellery making (my god, I am turning into a middle-aged housewife) or the mood swings that have been smacking me (and poor Max) over the head for the last two weeks. Maybe it was just because I didn't have anything very interesting to report. Unlike many of you, I am no good at making the ordinary interesting. My crazy life is the key to any writing of mine that can be deemed entertaining in any form, and frankly my life has ceased to be terribly crazy lately.

For which I am very grateful, believe me.

I've been getting along with my family, with my in-laws, and with Max. My recent workplace successes mean I can relax for a while and focus on the good times ahead in PhD land. I've been offered the opportunity to go on a funded research trip to Italy in October, so that takes care of my holiday for the year. The house is nearly finished and soon I'll be sleeping in my own bed again. Life is good. And when life is good, I am dull. It is perhaps all this positivity in my life that has led to what I will tell you next.

I'm pregnant again.

Am I shitting myself? Yes. Does my pulse quicken every time I feel the slightest twinge below the belly button? Yup. Do I relentlessly check the toilet roll for any visible trace of anything that may possibly look like blood every time I use the bathroom ? You betcha!

Am I possibly one of the happiest, most relieved, and most grateful women on the planet right now? Absolutely.

I can't write anymore today, I am full of baby mush and it is pretty much all I can think about. I'll save my baby-bore status for at least a few more weeks. So wish me luck, although that positive part of me says I am not going to need it. This peanut is a sticker, and I plan to see it through to the other side.

I do, however, want to take this opportunity to send all of my positive baby energy out to Xbox and MaybeBaby. Each time I open your blog I do it with bated breath and a sincere hope I'll be reading wonderful news. All the baby-making luck in the world to you. And positive energy in general to Maria, who I just know is going to come out the other side, whatever the problem.


Martin said...

This is wonderful news, it really is.

Congratulations to you & hubby.

The very best of luck from here on in.

Thanks also for the kind wishes, maybe the Leiden air will have the same effect on us as it has on you ;0)

Anonymous said...

Happy pregnancy!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and all the best for a healthy uneventful pregnancy and birth.

Anonymous said...

Well done, I told you it would happen again sooner or later! And well done on the research trip to Italy, that'll be fun. Nothing wrong with everything being positive and happy, it must be a nice change from all the difficulties you've been through recently!